
© 2002/2003/2004 by Matthias Arndt <marndt@asmsoftware.de>

The GNU General Public License applies to this project. See the file COPYING for details.


Quadromania is a board game. Your task is to restore the originating board filled with red stones. The computer will pick a named amount of 3×3 tile sets and will flip the colours of the selected tiles.

This means a red tile will become green, a green one the next colour in the amount of colours, red again in the simplest case. You select the amount of colours to use and the amount of initial rotations.

In the running game click on the center point of a 3×3 tile set to exchange that selected set following the rules above. Restore the board full of red stones before you reach the limit of maximum turns.

Quadromania is a work in progress. I currently lack the time to do a decent development on it. However the current alpha release is somewhat playable and working.



  • GNU C Compiler (preferrably 3.2 but works with older ones as well)
  • GNU Make
  • SDL
  • SDL_image

You can find SDL and SDL_image at the SDL website.

The current release adds support for autoconf and automake.


NOTICE: This is currently alpha software. Do not expect everything to work. It may crash or even do not compile!
Each archive contains a file called INSTALL. This contains installation instructions.

Gopher Test Project

This is our Gopher Test Project. It concludes my research concerning this vintage hypertext protocol. It included the development of an experimental server.


Outdated as of October 18th 2007.

Experimental Gopher server in bash

This is our first implementation of the Gopher protocol. It is written in Bash. It needs some tweaking. It should be run from inetd. No more instructions provided – see the code for details.
Download (7.7 K)

KDE Support Center

ASM Software offers you some simple components to enhance your KDE desktop. They include servicemenus to improve some handlings from the Konqueror filemanager and some icons for your use.

Archive icon set

A small set of icons you can use and associate with various packer formats like ZIP, ARJ, RAR, ACE, 7z and LZH.
Download (29,6K) 7Z Format

Extract 7z servicemenu

A simple service menu for Konqueror that enables you to unpack 7z archives with a single click.
To install this service menu, simply copy the .desktop file to ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenues/ and restart Konqueror.
Download .desktop file

Mount ISO image as virtual CDROM

This little servicemenu allows you to mount and unmount ISO images as a virtual CDROM via the loopback device of your Linux kernel.
The commands will prompt you for your root password.
To install this service menu, simply copy the .desktop file to ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenues/ and restart Konqueror. Additionally you have to create the required mount point for the virtual CDROM as root. The default pathname is /media/isoimage but you can change it in the desktop entry file with any texteditor.
Download .desktop file